Seeting & Gentlemen,
Let me tell you bed time story between Princess & Polar happening on an Iceberg & Castle..
Once upon a day, there is a Polar stays on Iceberg and he gets to know a MEATY Princess. They went out together and they adopted a pet called “seafood”..
They started to talk using animal language and human language...Polar says, he needs freedom. He can still do what he wants and he won’t stop what princess wants to do. Polar wants princess to look far and be open minded with Polar original life- Disney (Salsa) on ice, meet friends, this and that.
With this, they can long run and won’t guess each other. Must tell each other what they feel. If they start guessing or hiding unhappy feelings, something will go wrong and their animal and human heart will start breaking, seafood will become no longer fresh.
He is a Polar who likes to go to play ski, swim and fish from the cold ponds, because, life is short and he must know more other polar to make new networking.
Polar is planning to move to castle travelling by Antarctica Airlines, taking business class.
After polar & princess get together one day, he will be at castle everyday to play family game. He loves family actually, got nice castle, nice bed, nice food, nice soup (can put seafood inside to boil) and little polar running around.
They live happily ever after.
Thank you and have a nice day!
这一则“Bed Time Story”,耐人寻味,很很感动。遗憾的是,结局与现实恰恰相反,Seafood变成孤儿.. 北极熊的浪漫之举,不是“我爱你”,而是“在一起”...
一个人生活,要把胃撑大,没有了北极熊的Back Up,要学会扒一整碟的饭菜…
一个人生活,要买个Close concept包包,没有了北极熊的“碎碎念”,要学会防坏蛋…
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